Boycott Israel !

"It's better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness"

Monday, July 31

Weblogs (or Blogs) in Malaysia are not viewed as credible sources of information??

This was the findings of a Weekend Mail survey that saw 66 per cent of the 100 respondents interviewed questioning the credibility of blogs as a source of information.

The survey also revealed that 57 per cent of the respondents wanted bloggers to be made accountable by imposing certain regulations to deter irresponsible bloggers from posting sensitive, inaccurate and false information.

Those who called for bloggers to be monitored said blogs should only be used to share useful information, and not be an avenue to post exaggerated articles, or a place to blow your own trumpet...........


*cemero: i do agree if the government wants to amend a law to monitor the blogs. eventhough we practice a freedom of speech in malaysia but there are many sensitive topics yg kena dijaga.....

Sunday, July 23


-Keep an eye on the goods bar code: Israel's country prefix is 729:


Thursday, July 13


Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Welcome! Ahlan wa Sahlan.
This is my 5th new blog. I've decided to move here from friendster's blog because of certain things that cannot be avoided.

Simple reason : "If I post here, TAK RAMAI yang akan membacanya.. hehehe..." Only those ppl yang tahu this blog's address je yang mugkin akan baca. But, if in friendster, the blog entries will come out at the 1st page of all of my friends there. So, to avoid that I think it's better to blogging here.... heh :)

Actually, it is not because i dont want to everyone read my blog, but I always feel that my post entries have hurt some ppl eventhough I've never thought to do so.

Maybe, cara penyampaian saya itu tak sampai kepada cara pendekatan yang berhikmah dalam berdakwah ini. So, if anyone can help me in this I really appreaciate it.

Firman Allah dalam surah al-Nahl ayat 125 yang bermaksud : “Serulah ke jalan tuhanmu (wahai Muhammad) dengan hikmah (kebijaksanaan ) dan nasihat pengajaran yang baik, dan berdebatlah dengan mereka (yang endkau serukan itu) dengan cara yang lebih baik; sesungguhnya tuhan mu Dia lebih mengetahui siapa yang sesat dari jalanNya, dan Dia lebih mengetahui siapa yang mendapat hidayah petunjuk.”

Insya Allah, I will continue to type & type [sampai keyboard ni rosak.. haha]
May Allah always guide us to the right path..
Moga-moga juga perjuangan ini sentiasa mendapat keredhaanNya.
