Boycott Israel !

"It's better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness"

Monday, March 31


Jadilah umpama pelita yang menyala di tengah malam yang gelap gelita
Memandu manusia kepada hidayah dan menerangkannya
bergiat cergaslah demi agamamu dan janganlah bermalas-malas
berusahalah untuk menggerakkan orang yang berdiam diri

petikan dari al-muntalaq


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

When u r in light, everything will follow u. But when u enter dark, even your own shadow
will not follow u,
that is life..God made relatives. Thank God we can choose our friends
umm..ada kaitan ker? либо так или так..

Unknown said...

yang penting...awe kroni..!!!hahahha

syuqaira said...

Semoga semua sama2 sentiasa dipanduNya.

shaiful shahrizal,
udah2 le tu~

Anonymous said...

...insya allah...
tentunya tak semudah yg disangka
moga terus thabat

AmiE said...


baca entry and comment2 ni teringat lagu heart of a muslim

It’s the heart of a Muslim through the guidance of Islam,
That makes you fair and kind and helpful to your fellow man,
So living as a Muslim means that you must play a part,
Allah looks not at how you look, but what is in your heart.

He said its time you should know, you will learn as you grow
That some people around will do what’s bad to bring you down
Father said to be a star that’s shining bright
For the heart of a Muslim does what’s right

en shaiful, bukan awe kroni kamu juga ke?..kalo bukan, jgn risau..amie n ainul ttp kroni en shaiful..haha =p